Friday, December 31, 2010

`multirow.sty' not found

When I use package multirow in Latex, error occurs when compiling the source file. The error is saying `multirow.sty’ not found.

We can fix under Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra

Monday, December 20, 2010

1 + 1 = ??

How do you answer that sum of one plus one?


What web is it?

When you visit a web, sometimes you just want to obtain information from the web. However, sometimes, you may want to know which server the web uses, which programming language the programmers use, which CMS they use. You may obtain this information from the server response. Here is a simple tool that helps you to find out the answer - Whaweb(

This is written with Ruby and simply type
$./whatweb url

It will show you the relevant information such as web server.